Friday, October 29, 2010


1. What kind of Photography was Bresson best-known for? What subjects was he interested in?

Bresson was a unique photographer. He was most known for his documentary-style photography or old-style photography. Most of his picutres were not in color. If they were in color, he felt that it would take away from the individual inside the picture, and that that would might get distracted by the things around the photo. He was mostly interested in shooting people in the midst of their lives. He was always at the right place at the right time, getting the inside photo of a person who was not even posing.

2. What did you learn about Photography from watching this documenary? Be specific. Think about how he chose his subjects. What were his technical strengths as a photography. What made his pictures "special"?

I really learned that not every photograph has to have a huge significance. He used everyday scenes that most people wouldn't think of taking pictures of, and somehow put a look of meaning behind them. Whenever there was a big event, he was there to take the expressions of the people. His photos had feeling about them in the sence that the looks of some of the faces he took could have been fear, or just someones everyday look. Bresson was able to capture peoples in-between moments. He said that every picture he took made people wonder what would happen next.

3. Use three words to describe Bresson's photography. Only three. Be unique! Be vivid!

Characteristic. Intervening. Individual.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Photoshop "Tricks and Trips"

One of the things that this video focused on was transparency. A kid was dressed for Halloween and near him was a visible clown. To add more effect to the ghost, they increased the transparency, which made the ghost almost turn invisible. This allowed us to see the ghost as we really think of them.

We also learned how to create rain, snow, or even fire to a picture. The video showed a movie poster as an example.
First, you have to create a new layer and then add a blank gray background. Then, you go to filter bar and add a texture to the background so that it's completely spotted. After, click on monochromatic to give it a black and white texture. Next step is to go to filter, blur, and Gaussian blur to blend everything together. To do the rain or snow effect, you have to adjust your contrast. You need to go levels, and bring all three of the triangles close together. This will cause the background to go completely black with white speckles.  Then adjust the image, and click screen. This will cause the black background to fade away, just leaving the speckles in their position.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

My 5 Favorite Places at PAA!

Green Screen in Mac Lab
Art in Chapel
Bleachers in Gym

All of these places symbolize areas that I love to be in. They stand out in my mind as some of the best spots in the school. I tried to take the best pictures possible, and changed the contrast just enough so they would stick out. PAA has several nice features, but once they build the new school, there will be many more. My favorite photo take here would have to be the portrait of the art in the chapel. The purple tons to this photo definitely contrast with the black surroundings. This piece of art displays my favorite person in the whole wide world, Jesus Christ. :)


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Traveling into Nature

This photo is rich in its color and is very exuberant to the eye
This soft orange color reminds me of elegance and 

The change in color during fall gives these leaves a light red that reminds me of Christmas 
This flower shows the real beauty of a rose. With pink and yellow combined, the grace of this photo is outstanding

This photo is unique in how it is portrayed. The undeveloped roses in the back bring growth to the picture